
ჩვენი კომპანია გთავაზობთ თქვენს ბიზნესსაჭიროებაზე მორგებულ გადაწყვეტილებებს, იხილეთ პროდუქტებისა და სერვისების მცირე ნაწილი, რომლის შემოთავაზებაც თქვენთვის შეგვიძლია


Mobile Device Management (MDM) for Tourism Sector

9 reasons why your organization needs ManageEngine Mobile Device Management.

If you are facing at least 3 out of these challenges in your organization:

  • Accounting and Management of corporate mobile devices with limited resources;
  • Security challenge, which involves controlling the movement of mobile (tablets, laptops, mobiles) devices;
  • In a hybrid environment, the threat of leakage of confidential company information from mobile devices;
  • The need to physically go to different places to solve different incidents occurring simultaneously in mobile devices;
  • Difficulty quickly creating security and other policies across departments;
  • Difficulty in managing operating systems in a single space and automatically updating applications;
  • Distributed management of cryptographic security certificates in mobile devices;
  • Lack of automatic reporting related to mobile devices;
  • In case of loss of the mobile device, the threat of dissemination of confidential information of the organization.

Then, Syntax offers ways to solve existing challenges using MDM.

  1. You will be able to centrally record and manage:
    • corporate mobile devices of the organization;
    • in the case of bring-your-own-device, employees’ personal mobile devices.
  2. You will be able to monitor the movement of mobile devices (tablets, laptops, mobiles) owned by the organization (MDM-Location Based Actions);
  3. You will be able to control access rights (MDM-Conditional Access) of mobile devices owned by the organization (tablets, laptops, mobiles);
  4. You will be able to solve problems and any questions arising in different places, from a location convenient for you (Remote Control);
  5. You will be able to quickly create and distribute security and other policies;
  6. You will be able to manage the updates of operating systems and applications automatically and in a unified space (for example: limiting the update of operating systems of old devices, which will prevent the suspension of the application caused by the update);
  7. You will be able to manage the cryptographic security certificates of your mobile devices from one console;
  8. You will be able to generate automated reports related to mobile devices (for example: location details and history; mobile devices by model; mobile devices by specific applications, etc.);
  9. In case of loss or theft of all mobile devices and their data in the organization, you will be able to receive an appropriate notification immediately and take a quick response (for example: block applications or delete the information you want on the device).

To sum up:

The ManageEngine MDM solution controls mobile device applications, data and security so that employees can work seamlessly on devices.

MDM allows you to monitor, manage and secure corporate and non-corporate mobile devices in your organization from a single console, while generating automated reports at the desired frequency.

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