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Microsoft Products

Microsoft Planner

The Macro World with Micro-Softs

Microsoft Planner is an important application within Microsoft Office 365, allowing you to set tasks, track their progress, manage time, see details of required actions, and monitor the progress of tasks.

The main advantage of Planner is its ability to integrate naturally into the Office 365 environment, meaning you can use it alongside applications such as Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and others.

Enhancing productivity for organizations and individual users:

  • Converting repetitive tasks into templates, saving time in organizing tasks.
  • Adding Microsoft Planner to your Outlook calendar to receive notifications about all scheduled tasks.
  • Using columns according to the status or names of projects to easily sort and visually highlight project progress or the complete course of an individual project.
  • Utilizing List, Board, and Charts views for a comprehensive organization of all tasks, including project execution stages and priority tasks.

Through Planner, organizations can simplify collaboration by:

  •  Attaching documents or links to tasks, allowing each team member to see additional information related to the task.
  • Using the Chart view for quick analysis of the situation through different perspectives.

In summary, Planner enables organizations to be productive, easily communicate with colleagues, share tasks, and collaborate on different projects.

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