ჩვენი კომპანია გთავაზობთ თქვენს ბიზნესსაჭიროებაზე მორგებულ გადაწყვეტილებებს, იხილეთ პროდუქტებისა და სერვისების მცირე ნაწილი, რომლის შემოთავაზებაც თქვენთვის შეგვიძლია
The Macro World with Micro-Softs
Microsoft Teams is one of Microsoft 365’s flexible tools for increasing productivity, communication, collaboration, and working in a secure environment. It combines chat, video meetings, document storage, project management, and more through its built-in functionality and integrated applications.
Through Teams, productivity is enhanced for both the organization and individual users:
Additionally, through Teams, organizations can:
In accordance with the security policy, Teams is a modified application that allows you to exchange and save documents and hold meetings from anywhere.