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ServiceDesk Plus (SDP) for Construction Sector

16 reasons why your organization needs ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus.

If you are facing at least 3 out of these challenges in your organization:

  • Difficulty in analyzing frequently observed requests and reducing daily management;
  • Difficulty in deciding whether to repair or replace IT assets;
  • Difficulty in providing quick information to employees about possible current injuries/defects in the organization;
  • Difficulty in recording incoming requests (IT, logistics, service requests, incidents, etc.) from different sources (email, Teams, WhatsApp, Messenger, etc.) in a single space, recording and controlling IT and non-IT assets scattered in branches;
  • Difficulty having accurate asset data to invest in new capital equipment that ensures strategic and cost-effective business moves;
  • Difficulty in creating a dynamic data profile (even at a basic level) on key assets, such as repair and cost histories;
  • Challenges of inventorying non-automated IT assets, including:
    • registration of incomplete information;
    • suboptimal use of resources;
    • Lots of mechanical errors.
  • Difficulty in keeping track of the tasks performed by the organization’s managers and their employees and overdues;
  • Difficulty in evaluating employees’ activities with objective criteria;
  • Due to the lack of personnel, the difficulty of distributing the various requirements in the  organization to the relevant persons and determining the deadlines for them;
  • Difficulty of detailed reporting and automation of requests received in the organization;
  • Difficulty in quickly and completely providing information from the employee/customer when specifying various requests;
  • Difficulty in responding immediately to priority issues and properly allocating working time due to sorting requests;
  • Issuance of confirmation of service requests and the complexity of the time-consuming process (for example: granting access to the database; request for documentation, request for equipment, etc.);
  • Difficulty of recording incoming requests from different departments (IT, logistics, service requests, incidents, etc.) from different sources (email, Teams, WhatsApp, Messenger, etc.) in a single space;
  • Without a record of information on assets, the difficulty of remotely searching for details (serial number, model number), which requires a quick resolution of the problem.

Then, Syntax offers ways to solve existing challenges using ServiceDesk Plus.

  1. You will be able to analyze and discover the most frequently encountered requests, thus identify the root problems and ensure the reduction of daily requests for these issues;
  2. You will be able to simplify the decision-making process during the replacement and repair of IT assets with the help of one of the functions – Asset History;
  3. You will be able to generate the desired announcements based on the needs, which each employee will have the opportunity to see;
  4. You will be able to record incoming requests from different branches (IT, logistics, service requests, incidents, etc.) in a single space, while controlling IT and non-IT assets gathered in different locations;
  5. As a result of having complete information on IT assets, you will be able to strategically and cost-effectively determine the process of purchasing new equipment (for example, depending on the IT assets of the departments in the organization, you can determine which technical data IT asset is the most optimal for them);
  6. You will be able to view the history of repairs and expenses on IT assets in a single space (Asset History);
  7. You will be able to perform automated inventory, namely:
    • generate new and scan old barcodes;
    • automatically scan IT assets and reduce manual errors;
    • automatically attach detailed asset information to IT assets.
  8. You will be able to determine the workload of your and the team’s activities and control deadlines;
  9. You will be able to generate such reports that provide an accounting of the activity of each employee, which will be an objective criterion for evaluating their performance;
  10. You will be able to determine in advance, in the templates, the appropriate terms and persons who will ensure the resolution of the request if it is registered, which will prevent you from spending additional human resources on routine activities (for example: redirection);
  11. You will be able to produce and automate various types of reporting of the requirements in the organization (for example, the report you want will be sent to you by email, with the periodicity with which you subscribe: 1 month, 1 year, etc.);
  12. You will be able to determine in advance what information the employee should provide you when requesting a specific service in the organization. Accordingly, the request will be recorded quickly, with complete information;
  13. You will be able to sort incoming requests according to priorities, which will allow you to allocate working time correctly;
  14. You will be able to pre-write in the appropriate templates the persons who confirm certain types of requests. Be it opening access to bases; request for new equipment or other;  
  15. You will be able to record incoming requests (IT, logistics, service requests, incidents and others) from different sources (email, Teams, WhatsApp, Messenger and others) in a single space;
  16. You will be able to get the necessary information related to the assets (for example: serial; model number, etc.) remotely, which will make it easier for you to get back a quick/timely response.

SDP includes AssetExplorer which consists of:

  • IT Asset Inventory Management
  • Software License Management
  • Software Asset Management
  • Purchase Order Management
  • Asset Life Cycle Management
  • Asset Tracking Software

To sum up:

ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is a solution that allows you to gather the requests received by the organization, control IT and non-IT assets, and manage software/license deadlines in a single space.

An inventory of IT equipment is inventoried, with the help of AssetExplorer, which helps organizations to record IT and non-IT assets in a single space.

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